A guided pomodoro is a series of roughly 25 minute blocks meant to:* keep you on track & focused:
* ward off perfectionism, procrastination, completionism, and distraction
* keep you from over-planning or under-planning
* produce something of value
One of the great productivity gains of a guided pomo is that you'll agree to only engage in one context at a time and in the right order. Within each pomo, there will be plenty of room for freedom and creativity. So be disciplined about getting each section done fully and wholeheartedly. You may skip individual steps that don't serve you, but make sure to achieve the essence of each **section.**The brain cannot be a doer and a manager at any one time so this guided pomo will act as the manager of your time. There are four contexts are:* gain (and keep) quiet
* gain understanding
* gain structure (diverge/converge)
* gain placementGain mastery over each of these four contexts and you create a work life of compounding growth.
It follow the basic, natural workflow of great creatives, entrepreneurs, scientists, and statesmen.The brain is terrible at context switching. It takes several minutes to tear down a neural assembly and set up a new one.
Telly is a Webflow CMS template made for screencasts, vlogs, video podcasts, webinars, or whatever else you want to share.